I woke up feeling positive today.
I opened the windows and cool breezes of air kissed my warm, chubby cheeks :) I closed my eyes briefly and suddenly a brief memory from being back home recurred in my mind, my strict parents! (LOL!)
My dad served the Philippine Army for some good number of years as I was growing up and all I know that time was that he was so strict and I hated him for that ( sorry dad, can't find any other word to describe how that felt =S). We worked on schedules and I of course had my share of scoldings and what not.
At 7, I took on a lot of responsibility for my family ( helping my mom clean the house, do laundry, take care of my little sister, fold the laundry, wash the dishes, etc.) and that went on and on until I moved out of our house to fulfill the path that I thought was destined for me. Oh well, the whole point to this is that it wasn't until I got here in the U.S. and had to be away from home and family that I realized my parents, my dad most especially, was preparing me and my siblings for something greater, our liberation.
It's not easy being away from home and I haven't been gone for too long but I am a living testimony of a soul that searched, grew, got lost and got found again. I will never forget growing up the Military way.
Thanks dad!